Discord Bot Full Manual

This part of the bot is responsible for all the work inside Discord, no matter how obvious it may be. You can interact with it from the Tieler standalone application or from Discord directly using slash commands. The first option is discussed in the manual of a standalone application; here is a list of commands.

You can access them by starting to type a slash and the command name directly into the field for sending a message to the Discord channel, or through the graphical interface of the Discord applications.

The bot uses modular windows and selection lines to obtain the necessary data, so you only need to enter a command and fill out the forms that the bot will send you in response. All your communication with Tieler is visible only to you and the Bot; other people on the server and administrators do not see it. In case of difficulties or errors, take a screenshot and send it to the administration or bot support.

Slash Commands:



Link to manual page, you are already here!


Check how the bot feels and check its version.

/pvc_clear_ empty

Remove all empty Private Voice Channels. This usually happens automatically, but in some cases you may need to use this command manually.

Driver Profiles


A modal window will open in which you can fill out your driver profile: time zone, a few words about yourself, favorite cars, etc. Other drivers will be able to view this information and contact you. Also, in addition, information will be taken from the iRacing profile: safety rating and irating, so there is no need to specify this manually.


A selection of users whose profile you want to view will appear. If the user did not specify this information, then only data from the iRacing server will be provided: irating and safety rating. The answer and the fact that you requested statistics will be visible only to you; other users will not know this.

League Management


One of the ways to register in the League and in the Tieler application. You will need to fill in the iRacing ID in the modal window.

/register_in_ series

Display the registration form for the League series. After filling out all the data, the driver will receive a role and a place on the roster. If the driver is already registered in this series, his registration data will be replaced with new ones.

/unregister_from_ series

Form for removing a driver from registration. The role will not be removed from the driver immediately. If he does not register again, the role will be removed in the next bot pass cycle (within 2 hours).

/update_league_ schedule

Update league schedule and standings (@admin only)

/update_league_ roster

Update league roster manually (@admin only)

/update_league_ reserved_ numbers

Update league reserved numbers manually

/update_league_ standings

Update league standings manually (@admin only)


/schedule_ official_ endurances

Show official iRacing schedule for current season with all long and team races.

/schedule_ official_ series

Shedules and Time-Slots (with local time for each Discord user) for all iRacing Series available in iRacing UI. Pick a racing category, license level and series. Menu is available for 2 minutes, you can pick as much series as you want, one by one. Week details show track pic, sim-time, race length and weather.

/rsvp_add_ custom

A constructor for creating your own RSVP messages. The bot will offer to select options for registrations, divided into two groups (you can select up to 15 in total). Breakdown is required due to technical limitations of Discord. If desired, you can set a registration time limit (in GMT).
After clicking the Next button, a modal window will appear in which you need to set the Title. Optionally, you can add a description, limit the number of registrations for each button and for the entire message (0 – no restrictions).
Users can only select one option.

/rsvp_add_ official

A constructor for creating RSVP messages for iRacing official series similar to these. The bot will offer to select Series, Week, Time-Slot and up to 3 cars. Also you can make a duplicate in tieracing.net discord to allow drivers outside of your team to join you.
Note: Due to technical limitations the creation of these RSVPs is possible after at least one RSVP has been created through the Tieler App.