
Most often, problems arise with permission settings for the user and for the bot. Initially, Tieler requests all the necessary permissions and by inviting him you give them to him and the role associated with bot. But if the server has private channels for individual roles, and these roles also have their own restrictions, then this is where the fun game of “dealing with the permissions” for each role and channel begins. The funniest thing about the game is that the Discord API does not give specific feedback: which role is prohibited, which action, in which channel, and in general who is prohibited from this action: a bot or a user. So go through the user roles and make sure they are allowed to interact with applications:

In the channel permission settings, make sure that the bot can see the desired channel, send messages, files, embeds to it, create and manage messages and threads, use external emoji, read message history and use application commands.

There may also be problems if the bot role is at the bottom of the server hierarchy. Move it to the very top or as close as possible to the very top.

And in the community server you can configure permissions for EVERY bot command in this menu:

If everything is configured, the bot should work.

Unfortunately, permission errors cannot always be processed and sent to the user. For example, it is quite difficult to send an error message if the bot does not have rights to send messages. Therefore, if the bot does not respond to your action and the interaction stops without a message, it is almost always due to a lack of permissions for the bot or the user.
Ask for help on Discord or by mail. Without high authority and access to your server it is difficult to help, but support can obtain some log data. Describe the problem, add the ID or Name of the server, channels and interacting user and we will try to help with the setup remotely.